Contoh Draft RPP Bahasa Inggris SMA kelas X pola BKOF, MOT,JCOT,ICOT

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran

Sekolah                       : SMA

Mata Pelajaran            : Bahasa  Inggris

Kelas/Semester            : X/1

Tema                           : Procedure

Skill                            : Mendengarkan dan berbicara

Alokasi Waktu            : 2x 45 menit

Standar Kompetensi


  • Memahami makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan teks monolog sederhana berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan mengakses ilmu pengetahuan populer.
  • Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan teks monolog

berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan mengakses ilmu pengetahuan..

Kompetensi Dasar

  • Merespon makna dalam teks monolog sederhana yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam teks berbentuk: procedure
  • Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks monolog sederhana yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secar aakurat, lancar dan berterima dalam teks berbentuk: procedure


  • Siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan teks monolog sederhana  berbentuk procedure
  • Siswa dapat melakukan teks monolog lisan berbentuk procedure
  • Siswa mempresentasikan teks monolog lisan berbentuk procedure


Materi Pembelajaran

  1. Teks monolog berbentuk procedure, contohnya:


How to Make Gudeg Jogja (Green Jack Fruit Sweet Stew)


5 onions

–   10 candlenuts

–   10 garlic cloves

–   4 bay Leaves

–   1/2 lb. (250g) green jack fruit

–   2-1/2 tsp. (12g) coriander seeds

–   1-1/4 tsp. (6g) cumin

–   1/4 cup (62ml) coconut sugar

–   2 cups (500ml) coconut milk

–   2 tsp. (30g) tamarind

–   2 lb. (1kg) chicken (cut into small pieces with bone)

–   5 cups (1.25l) water

–   2 inches bruised galangal


–  First, cut green jack fruit 1 inch thick. Wash and boil until tender.

–  Next, ground onions, candle nuts, sauté paste, bay leaves, and galangal until fragrant.

–  Add the chicken pieces, stir fry until chicken changes clour.

–  Then, pour 4 cups of water and coconut sugar, bring to a boil.

–  Add the green jack fruit and simmer until the chicken and vegetables are tender.

–  Finally, add coconut milk 5 minutes before it’s done, bring back to a boil. Serve  hot with ice.

– This dish is sweet and usually served with shrimp cracker


  1. 2. Procedure text can be explained as bellow:

Social function  : to describe how something is accomplished through

a sequence of actions or steps.

Generic structure:

–  Goal.

–  Materials (not required for all procedural texts)

–  Steps (a series of steps oriented to achieving the goal)



Metode Pembelajaran/Teknik: Two cycles –four stages


Langkah-langkah Kegiatan

    • Building Knowledge of Field
  • § Tanya jawab mengenai apakah siswa dapat membuat soup
  • Siswa memberi nama pada alat-alat dapur.
  • Siswa melafalkan beberapa kata yang berkaitan dengan cara memasak dan merupakan Action Verbs

Examples : make, cook, put, mix,etc

  • Siswa menterjemahkan kosa-kata Action Verbs ke B.Indonesia

  • Modeling of Text (20’)

  • Siswa mendengarkan teks monolog lisan berbentuk teks procedure sambil melengkapi teks tersebut.

Listen to the following monologue to complete the missing words. Then, list the ingredients and the steps.

Making Crab Soup

Making crab soup is not difficult. What you need are 2 ….. of fish stock, 2 medium-sized …..,100 gram ….., 50 gram scallions, 50 gram Indonesian parsley, ….., and pepper to taste. First, make fish stock by ….. fish bones in 8 cups of water. Then ….. these bones after a few minutes. ….. the crabs, split into several parts. ….. ginger into very thin slices, the scallions and Indonesian parsley. After that, ….. stock for about 5 minutes, put everything into the stock. Finally, ….. salt and pepper to taste.


  • Joint Constructions of Text
    • Siswa menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan isi teks secara berkelompok.

1. Mention some ingredients you must prepare to make crab soup.


. …………………………….

. …………………………….

. etc.


2. How many steps are there in making crab soup? What are they?


. …………………………….

. …………………………….

. etc.


  • Siswa mendiskusikan jawaban pertanyaan dengan kelompok lain.


  • Individual Constructions of Text
    • Siswa menceritakan kembali bagaimana cara membuat crab soup secara individu.



  • Buku Look Ahead 1 (hal 68-69) , English for Better Life
  • Buku Inter-Language Kelas X (Hal 62)
  • Kaset/CD
  • Tape
  • Script dari Look Ahead 1 dan Inter-Language



Penilaian :

  • Teknik: Performance Assessment (responding)
  • Bentuk: Pertanyaan lisan dan presentasi individual


Alat Penilaian :

1. Your teacher will read the following text. Listen carefully and then identify the

goal, materials needed and steps.


How to Make an Omelet

Hello friend, how are you? Have you ever eaten a cheese omelet? Do you know how to make a Cheese Omelet? No? Would you like me to tell it for you? Okay. This is the way. Listen to me.

To make a Cheese Omelet, you should prepare ingredients such as one egg, 50 grams of cheese, uhm… ¼  cup of milk, three tablespoons of cooking oil, uhm…what else ….? Oh, yeah, a pinch of salt and don’t forget some pepper. Now, to make a Cheese Omelet, you will need some kitchen utensils like a frying pan, a fork, a whisk, a spatula, uhm….. a cheese grater …and a bowl and of course ….a plate. Okay? Are you following me ? Right! Let me tell you how to make it.

First, crack an egg into a bowl like this. Then whisk the egg with a fork until it is smooth. After that, add some milk and whisk well. Grate the cheese into the bowl and stir. Next, heat the oil in a frying pan, and pour the mixture into the frying pan. Then, turn the omelet with a spatula when it browns. See, like this. Okay, next cook both sides. After the omelet is done, place it on a plate, don’t forget to season it with salt and pepper and you can eat it while warm. It’s easy, isn’t it? Bon appetite!


  1. Find out:
  1. What is the text talking about?
  2. What is the purpose of the text?
  3. How many steps are there in the text?


3.  Please represent in front of the class how to make or to do something!


Pedoman Penilaian :


No Aspect of Scoring Scoring
Low (45-59) Average (60-75) Good (76-100)
1 Pronunciation      
2 Intonation      
3 Stress      
4 Gestures      
  Total Score      



Mengetahui                                                                             ……………………..,……………

Kepala Sekolah                                                                       Guru Mata Pelajaran


Sumber: Mr. Sum’s file

5 responses

  1. thanks a lot for help, it will very useful fo me.

  2. it’s oke

  3. yang lengkap dong

  4. contoh draft rpp bahasa inggris kelas x

    1. maaf, saya dapatnya file cuma segitu bu…

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